Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Starting School

I must say that I never realized how much time blogging takes! It has been a crazy week so far. We decided to start school on Monday. Wow! The Bear really surprised me. I was not so sure how she would handle everything. By today, our third day of school. I realized that I need to give her more ownership of her schooling. By that I mean, Mom needs to back off. She is my baby and I want to read everything with her and enjoy the moments. Well apparently, I read too slow...when I stopped to ask a question and she just started reading to finish the page....OK it is time for mom to take a step back. I just can't believe that she is in First grade!

Then I look across the table to the Diva. She is hard at work, trying to complete what work she can before ballet summer intensive. She has been leaving for ballet each day at 9:30 and is not home until 2. But has been sitting down again in the afternoons to finish her school work. All without me asking. I just sorta hoped for the most we could get done due to her ballet schedule. We here it is day 3 and she is done with week 1. In all fairness, one of her good friends from out of state is coming to stay at our house next week. I jokingly said that she could not come unless her school work was done. I would never turn the Diva's friend away....but hey I am going to use whatever motivator that I have! HA!

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