Friday, August 28, 2009


The Bear is fascinated with Dinosaurs! She picks up every book she can dealing with them. I usually try to screen them first, but sometimes things get missed. When Mom says yes, to a book that is only $0.25!

So this morning we were reading a book. I did not catch the young earth parts before my 6 year old started reading them. I could not just take the book away after all she had just read all the questionable parts! I was so worried like great she is so young how am I going to get this out of her head....Mom starring upwards at the ceiling. When the Bear shouts

"what are they talking about dinosaurs were squished by a big meteor! Don't
these people know anything?"

She then proceed to laugh and told me that was a funny story. I just let it all go.....later dad got home and she was excited to show him the new fairy tale book Mom had given her. She told him all about it and how these people must live in a parallel dimension.

Thanks to the science channel that her sister is in love with I don't have to explain how the dinosaurs did die.......I guess she was paying attention after all. But parallel dimensions...I think we'll just let that one go for now!


Aimee said...

Hey, I don't know what you did, but it worked!

Lynda said...

Don't know either...I just started clicking buttons to be honest!